Current & Past Events
Awards, Travel opportunities,
Research Collaborations, Presentations
August 2023
Talha Aziz’s successful Master’s Defense on Thursday, August 31st, 2023 “An Investigation on the Behaviour and Effects of Pre-solidified Grains (PSG) in High Vacuum Die Casting of Aluminum Alloys”
Zhen Li’s successful Ph.D. Defense on Aug. 25th, 2023 “Phase Field Modeling of Additively Manufactured Ti-Al-V-Fe Alloy”
June 2023
Kai Kang attended MCWASP Modelling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes XVI Conference in Banff, Alberta on June 18-23, 2023.
Conference proceedings: Kang, K., L. Yuan, and A. B. Phillion. "A 3D simulation of grain structure evolution during laser rescanning process of powder bed fusion additive manufacturing." IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 1281. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2023.
Kaamil Shibly presented at MCWASP Modelling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes XVI Conference in Banff, Alberta on June 18-23, 2023.
Conference Paper: Shibly, K. U. R. M., S. Tullis, and A. B. Phillion. "Non-metallic inclusion (NMI) deposition in a slide-gate submerged entry nozzle (SEN)." IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 1281. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2023.
Coleton Parks presents poster at PowderMet 2023 Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada on June 18-21 2023, titled “Effect of Time and Temperature on Microstructure Evolution of Infiltrant Liquid Phase Sintered MAR-M247”.
Angshuman Podder’s successful Ph.D. Defense, June 14th, 2023, “Modelling Transient Inclusion Behaviour during Refining of Si-Mn Killed Steel”.
April 2023
Araf Al Arafi did a 3-week internship at Tata Steel in the Netherlands.
March 2023
Coleton Parks presented recent work at Zeiss North American XRM User’s Meeting in Dublin, California, titled “A 3D Investigation on Powder Metallurgy Based Turbine Repair: Revealing New Insights with XRM”.
June 2022
Guang Wang attended CMSC 2022, The 33rd Canadian Materials Science Conference, at the University of Toronto on June 22-24, 2022, presenting a post titled "In situ study of inclusion separation at the molten steel-slag interface”.
Talha Aziz and Araf Al Arafi presented at the ICASP 6th International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes in Bischoffsheim, France on June 20-24, 2022.
March 2022
Araf Al Arafi and Coleton Parks participated in the Solidification course in Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
September 2021
SIM3P group gathering in the park with drinks and pizza!
SIM3P welcomes 3 new members to the lab! Welcome to Javier Miranda (PhD student), Abhishek Arya (PhD student), and Neil McClean (MASc student).
August 2021
Congratulations! Kaamil Ur Rahman Mohamed Shibly competed in the McMaster Engineering Graduate Society Ideathon 2021 and placed top 6.
June 2021
SIM3P welcomes 5 new members! Kai Kang (PhD student), Youssef Salib (MASc student), Talha Aziz (MASc student), and Undergraduate Summer Students Kaelah McLennan and Felicia Mikrogianakis.
February 2021
Olajide Akintayo is featured in McMaster Engineering's Q&A Spotlight Series in celebration of Black History Month.
Welcome to Muhammad Nabeel to the research group. Muhammad’s research will involve investigation of non-metallic inclusions in various steel grades and evolution of microstructure.
Welcome to Olajide Akintayo to McMaster University and the research group. Olajide’s research will center on in-situ and ex-situ investigation of solidification microstructures in AHSS.
January 2021
Congratulations Pardis Mohammadpour for starting a 4-month internship at Magna (Modatek Systems) from January to April 2021.
Welcome to Gerald Tembrevilla to McMaster University and the research group. Gerald will be a postdoctoral fellow for the PIVOT in the Faculty of Engineering at McMaster University.
Welcome to Araf Al Rafi to McMaster University and the research group. Rafi’s research will focus on segregation in continuous casting processes.
October 2020
Congratulations! Yi Feng has defended her PhD entitled "3D Meso-scale Modelling of Solidification: Application to Advanced High Strength Steels" on October 27, 2020.
Farheen Ahmed gave an online presentation at the 59th Conference of Metallurgists 2020 on October 14, 2020, entitled "Tracking the Microstructural Development in the Selective Laser Melting of Ti-185 with In-Situ Alloying".
Congratulations! Farheen Ahmed defended her Master’s entitled "Development of an In-Situ Alloyed Microstructure in Laser Additive Manufacturing" on October 5, 2020.
September 2020
Welcome to Cole Becker who will work with Stelco to develop a macro-scale thermo-mechanical model of their continuous casting process for advanced martensitic steels.
Yi Feng attended the Colorado Center for Advanced Ceramics (CCAC) Annual Conference 2020 at the Colorado School of Mines on August 18-19, 2020 and gave an oral presentation entitled "Application of Granular-scale models to Centreline Segregation".
JULY 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Phillion, who is named the Director of Experiential Learning for the Faculty of Engineering.
JUNE 2020
Pardis Mohammadpour presents "Solidifcation microstructure selection maps for laser powder bed fusion of multicomponent alloys" at MCWASP XV: Modelling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes online Conference hosted by Jönköping University in Sweden June 22, 2020.
April 2020
Congratulations to Niloufar Khodaei for successfully defended her MASc "Study on Hot Tearing in Direct Chill Casting of Aluminum Alloys using a Multi-Scale Approach".
Niloufar Khodaei wins the FEF Canada “Non-Ferrous Foundry Society MASc Award”.
March 2020
Yi Feng won the 2020 ArcelorMittal Thermomechanics-CFD Days Best Presentation Award for her presentation “Mesoscale simulation of liquid feeding in an equiaxed dendritic mushy zone.
Congratulations! Farheen Ahmed was awarded the Hugh G. Hilton Master's Scholarship (awarded to a graduate student performing research on a Canadian industrial problem) and the Dante Cosma Graduate Memorial Award (awarded to a graduate student working in Metallurgy).
February 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Phillion for being awarded 2020 Brimacombe Medal from The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society. The award, presented at the TMS Annual Meeting in San Diego, recognizes “For substantial and sustained contributions to alloy meso-scale modeling and in-situ 3D characterization”.
Farheen Ahmed gave an online presentation at the TMS Annual Meeting on February 26, 2020 entitled “Observing the Phase Evolution During Selective Laser Melting of a High-Fe β-Ti Alloy from Elemental Powders via In-Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction”.
January 2020
Welcome to Kaamil Shilby, who will study nozzle clogging during continuous casting of steel. Also, welcome back Niloufar, who has returned to McMaster after completing a 4-month co-op at Stackpole International in Ancaster, ON.
December 2019
Dr. Phillion is named McMaster’s ArcelorMittal Dofasco chair in Ferrous Metallury
November 2019
Congratulations to Pardis for passing her Proposal Exam; a critical milestone in the life of a PhD student.
September 2019
Congratulations to Mohammad for successfully defending his MASc thesis entitled “High-Temperature Physico-Mechanical Properties of As-Received Structures in Dual-Phase Adavanced High-Strength Steels” on September 13, 2019.
Three new group-members! Welcome to Coleton Parks, Prabhakar Pal, and Ruifeng Dou, who will study powder brazing via X-ray micro-tomography, microstructure modelling of additive manufacturing, and process modelling of continuous casting.
July/August 2019
Kelly and Pengfei had a great time presenting their summer research through the undergraduate student research in engineering (USRE) showcase held in the John Hodgins Engineering building at McMaster University on July 30th.
The group’s summer retreat was held on July 25th. The morning focused on work – learning about emerging areas-of-research in science and engineering. The afternoon focused on team-building through a canoe trip down the Grand River.
June 2019
Niloufar presented her work at the CMSC 2019 Conference in Vancouver, BC and won the best oral presentation award in the category of computational materials science for her talk entitled “Multi-scale Modelling of Hot Tearing in Direct Chill Casting of Aluminum Alloys” .
Yi and Dr. Phillion participated in the 2019 ICASP conference in Saltzburg Austria; Yi gave a keynote presentation entitled "A 3d Discrete-Element Model For Simulating Liquid Feeding During Dendritic Solidification Of Steel".
May 2019
Pardis visited L'Institut Jean Lamour (IJL) - Laboratoire de Recherche en Science des Matériaux in Nancy, France as part of a McMaster funded collaborative initiative in solidification modeling. Pardis had several meetings with professors, postdocs, students, engineers and researchers and gave a talk entitled "Developing Solidification Microstructure Selection Maps in the frame of Additive Manufacturing".
Pardis participated in the 28th annual Solidification Course, organized by Calcom ESI in collaboration with École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and held in Les Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland. Pardis is featured in this photo with other participants and renowned lecturers from Swiss, French, Austrian, Canadian and US Universities, who gave talks during this course.
SIM3P welcomes 4 new members to the lab! Welcome to Stefan Heugenhauser (Postdoctoral Fellow), Zhen Li (PhD student), and Undergraduate Summer Students Pengfei Fu and Kelly Lau.
December 2018
Celebrating the start of the holidays with a party! Enjoying the festivities together with fellow students from the Department of Materials Science & Engineering.
Yi Feng visits The National Center for Scientific Research and Université de Lorraine's L'Institut Jean Lamour - Laboratoire de Recherche en Science des Matériaux in Nancy, France as part of a McMaster funded collaborative initiative to develop a multi-physics model.
Yi (center) is pictured here with a group of postdocs, students, engineers, technicians, trainees and researchers from the institute.
Yi Feng presents her work on "3D Meso-scale Modelling of Solidification: Application to Advanced High Strength Steels" at the Materials Science and Engineering graduate students seminar held in CIBC Hall at McMaster University.
October 2018
Dr. Phillion spearheaded the creation of the “Educating the Engineer of 2025 (EtE-25)” funding awards to facilitate innovation in engineering education. The winners of the Educating the Engineer 2025 competition are announced.
September 2018
Welcome to Farheen Ahmed (new MASc student). Farheen will study the selective laser melting of a beta titanium alloy using in-situ X-ray radiography and X-ray diffraction techniques.
Welcome also to Khaled Abu Smak (new Post-doc). Khaled will develop heat treatments to optimize the mechanical properties of additively manufactured Ti-185.
Dr. Phillion presented research on 4D imaging of paper at the Progress in Paper Physics Seminar in Lodz, Poland September 23-27.
Dr. Phillion is awarded funding from McMaster University to initiate collaboration with Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) at l’Institut Jean Lamour at the Université de Lorraine in Nancy, France on the topic of : “Multi-scale modelling of solidification during metal additive manufacturing”.
Additive Manufacturing at Beamline I13 at the Diamond Light Source.
Farheen Ahmed and Dr. Phillion, joined by the research team of Dr. Peter Lee, performed synchrotron x-ray radiography (s-XRR) at the Diamond Light Source in Didcot, UK. Using s-XRR, they visualized the solidification of elemental Ti, Fe and alloyed Al-V powders to printed Ti-185 material using a Selective Laser Melting (SLM) simulator.
Featured (from left to right): Gowthram Soundarapandiyan, Alex Leung, Lulia Elizarova, Yunhui Chen, Lorna Sinclair, Farheen Ahmed and André Phillion
August 2018
Dr. Phillion is awarded Ontario Centres of Excellence Voucher for Innovation and Productivity II (OCE VIP II) funding to collaborate with UTC Aerospace Systems (Oakville ON) to develop new alloys for metal AM, “Additive Manufacturing of a Novel Low-Cost Titanium Alloy: Enhancement of Processing and Properties for Aerospace Applications”.
July 2018
Dr. Phillion is named as associate chair for undergraduate studies in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
Dr. Phillion is named a Faculty Leadership Fellow to develop a multi-disciplinary capstone engineering project for the Faculty of Engineering.
May 2018
Yi participated in an international Solidification Course held in Les Diablerets, Switzerland, organized by Calcom ESI, in collaboration with École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
Yi is featured in this photo with other participants and renowned lecturers from Swiss, French, Austrian, Canadian and US Universities, who gave talks during this course.
April 2018
Dr. Phillion is awarded Canada Foundation for Innovation John R. Evans Leaders Fund (CFI-JELF) to study solidification mechanisms in engineering metals, “Liquid Metal Engineering of High Strength Low Alloy steels and Aluminum-Zinc alloys”.
February 2018
Phillion Lab members took part in a Casting Workshop organized by the McMaster Materials Student Technical. They were training on casting simulating softwares: SOLIDCast™ for solidification defects; FLOWCast™ for metal flow related defects and OPTICast™ to optimize metal yield % and process parameters automatically, by David Schmidt from Finite Solutions Inc. (USA) and François Audet from Foundry Solutions Metallurgical Services Inc. (technical support for Canada).
January 2018
Welcome to Niloufar Khodaei (new MASc student) to McMaster University and the research group. Niloufar will compare multi-scale models of hot tearing in aluminum alloys.
Welcome to Pardis Mohammadpour (new PhD student) to McMaster University and the research group. Pardis will develop new techniques to predict the selection of solidification microstructure during metal additive manufacturing.
September 2017
Welcome Mohammad H. Ghoncheh (new PhD student) to McMaster University and the research group. Mohammad will work on measurement of the high temperature constitutive behaviour of Advanced High Strength Steel alloys in the near-solidus region.
March 2017
Dr. Phillion is awarded funding from Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) Voucher for Innovation and Productivity I (VIP I) and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Engage grant to collaborate with Exco Engineering (Newmarket, ON) on additive manufacturing research, “Optimization of Selective Laser Melting for Application to Automotive Tooling.
January 2017
Welcome Yi Feng (new PhD student) to McMaster University and the research group. Yi will work on modelling of hot tearing in Advanced High Strength Steel Alloys.
Current & Past Events
Awards, Travel Opportunities, Research Collaborations, Presentations
Welcome to Muhammad Nabeel to the research group. Muhammad’s research will involve investigation of non-metallic inclusions in various steel grades and evolution of microstructure.
Welcome to Olajide Akintayo to McMaster University and the research group. Olajide’s research will center on in-situ and ex-situ investigation of solidification microstructures in AHSS.
Welcome to Gerald Tembrevilla to McMaster University and the research group. Gerald will be a postdoctoral fellow for the PIVOT in the Faculty of Engineering at McMaster University.
Welcome to Araf Al Rafi to McMaster University and the research group. Rafi’s research will focus on segregation in continuous casting processes.